What is CPD?

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) refers to the ongoing process of learning and developing new skills, information, knowledge and expertise in your professional field. It plays a crucial role in enhancing your career prospects, staying up-to-date with industry trends and ensuring you remain at the forefront of your profession. At StepAhead, we understand the importance of CPD in today’s rapidly evolving job market. Our mission is to provide you with comprehensive and accessible CPD opportunities that cater to your specific needs and goals. Whatever your skill level or career goal, we have the resources and support to help you reach your potential.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Professional development focuses

Who is The For?

Professional development focuses primarily on the development and growth of an individual’s occupational role, whereas personal development encompasses the overall growth and development of the person, often involving self-awareness and personal transformation. In today’s professional landscape, all reputable professional bodies, whether in the fields of accountancy or social healthcare, place great importance on Continuous Professional Development (CPD). These organisations have transitioned from an initial phase of encouraging their members to keep records of their CPD activities to a more stringent phase where non-compliance is penalised. Recent examples highlight instances where professional bodies have taken the step of striking off members from their registers due to their failure to engage in ongoing professional development.

For Employers

As an employer, you hold the key to unlocking the full potential of your workforce. At StepAhead, we understand the importance of investing in your employees’ professional development. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programs designed to empower your team and drive your organisation’s success. Our CPD programs encompass both class-based and online learning opportunities, allowing your employees to improve their practice through a variety of methods. From workshops and seminars to online courses and mentorship programs, we provide a diverse range of resources to cater to different learning styles and preferences.

For Employers



Step 1

CPD includes both online and class-based learning. Keep a record and document all the training.


Step 2

Take responsibility for the training and not leave it to the employer.


Step 3

Learn on a regular basis from your practice and experience. Reflection and evaluation provide the basis for future improvements.


Step 4

Look at your requirements and set goals for learning and development.